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Reflection on Research Paper on GMOs

Reflection GMOs Research Essay on my Theory of Writing


In order to compose my research essay on GMOs effectively, it was necessary to understand that the majority of the public truly believe GMOs are harmful. However, I was determined to provide credible sources in which I can reveal that there is nothing to be afraid of; at least the impacts of GMOs on human health. It is only the fear generated by misleading sources which led to the huge controversy of GMOs in the first place. In this case, I utilized sources such as the Chronicle of Higher Education, International Journal of Science, and the non-GMO Project. The idea behind using scholarly sources and other distinct sources is to provide the audience a more complete picture of the types of information that is being spread around

through these different sources.

The rhetorical strategies I used to approach my audience is to first provide background information for those who may not know much about GMOs. Then, I transition into discussing my perspective of GMOs, in which there were no harmful impacts on human health. In return, I provide my reasons as to why is the case while supporting those reasons with the sources I have in my arsenal. These reasons include that the fears were simply due to speculation in which it was amplified by many misleading sources, the act of genetic engineering has existed for centuries, and there are actually benefits through the use of GMOs. From my perspective, it was crucial that I provided credible information if I wanted to compose a successful research paper. Everyone loves a credible source that provide information that is reliable. That is what I attempt to give my audience in which I ideally believe is what makes a successful, meaningful research paper.